“MADONA DEI CAVALI” 8 dicembre

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception coincides with the beginning of the Christmas holidays, Advent. In Venetian, it is the day the Christmas tree becomes decorated.

It is a time of reflection in which it makes sense to find time for the veneration of Mary, because it is Mary carrying Jesus in the womb. For those who have a living and heartfelt faith, this is the most important anniversary of the year.

In Gambarare, an ancient district of Mira, this day is celebrated with the procession “de la Madona de i Cavali”.   The maiden’s stature is drawn on a cart of eight horses covered with a blue cloak (Marian color), and, as tradition dictates, a procession of officers and dozens of figures in medieval costumes follows.

It’s not just a folkloric event. The people behind the image of Mary participate with intense concentration and fervent prayer.

To mark the occasion, stalls selling sweets, toys and roasted chestnuts are set up in the streets of the city, which frame this tradition with an archaic and free aroma.

Awaiting for you…


Shortly before the reopening of our house, after this long period of unexpected closure, we would like to inform our guests that we are ready to receive them again and we also assure that maximum safety in terms of hygiene and health is guaranteed. Our public areas and rooms, which we have always carefully cleaned and disinfected (the strong point of our image), are now being subjected to further disinfection in the interests of everyone’s  health.

Checking in and out in the lobby is carried out with the utmost security, observing the required distances and using the facilities provided for hand hygiene (disposable gloves are also offered).

The dining room, which is used for breakfast, is so large that seats and the buffet can be used taking into account the distances specified by the various ministerial regulations.

Fortunately, the complex also has an extensive park with tables and chairs, where you can find moments of peace and quiet with large umbrellas, without having to worry about getting too close to others.


Thank you very much!

EASTER 2020 April 12

The Easter holidays represent the first days of relaxation after the long winter months; it could be a way to “unplug” by spending a few days, guests in our house.

The B&B “Ca ‘di fiore”, immersed in the new seasonal blooms of its large park, will be an excellent starting point to reach Padua and Venice. Here you can leave your car for free in the park of the villa having the opportunity to reach your favorite destination by public transport. A way to move easily and then return in the evening in an environment that will guarantee you tranquility and rest.

The W.E. Easter, with the possibility of finding a mild climate, will allow you to visit all the other towns in the area, including the islands. Seductive walks will allow you to discover a region rich in history, art and food and wine routes that the whole world envies us.


Every year Christian Easter is celebrated on a different date. This happens because it is made to coincide with the first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox, for this reason this recurrence varies between March 22 and April 25.

For other religions the date of Easter is different.

For the Jewish Passover, the lunisolar calendar is used, each month begins with the new moon and therefore there is a full moon after fifteen days. Jewish Passover this year will be celebrated on April 9 (14th day of the month of Nisan).

The Orthodox Easter is calculated on the basis of the Julian calendar, based on the cycle of seasons, according to the real full moon and the real equinox observed along the meridian of Jerusalem, the place of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. This year will be celebrated on April 19th.

6th January “EPIPHANY”

The history of the Befana begins in the mists of time, it is a magical pre-Christian tradition.

It was an ancient custom to light a large bonfire, as a propitiatory rite, using the wood waste from the work of the fields. The old man was burned and good harvests were called for for the following agricultural season. Before the fire, an abundance of “pan e vin” was asked for.

Participants observing the direction of the sparks that rose to the sky tried to predict future crops.

In the Christian tradition, history is closely linked to that of the Three Kings. The term “Epiphany” derives from the Greek “apparition” and indicates the moment of meeting of the Three Kings with the Child Jesus. It is said that the Three Kings had lost their way and asked an old woman for information. The Magi invited the woman to follow them, but she refused. She repented and from that day began to knock on every door, bringing with her sweets, hoping to find the Baby Jesus.

In Venice, Epiphany is celebrated with a costume event. It is a fantastic regatta on 5-man rowing boats dressed as Befana who parade in a speed competition. The arrival is under the Rialto bridge where a giant “caena” stocking hangs; whoever comes first will have the content of the sock as a reward. The party is animated by “songs and sounds” and it is customary to eat “pinza” (dessert made with old bread) and drink “mulled wine”.


During the Holidays, after the Ville Lumiére, Venice is the most romantic city on the planet.

Waiting for the new year, there are many activities that can be carried out: go to the island of Murano to admire the decorations made by the master glassmakers, attend the New Year’s concert at the “La Fenice” theater (usually divided into two parts, one instrumental and a vocal), also take a nice walk between bridges and small streets to admire shops decorated with a thousand colored lights.

New Year’s Eve in Venice is a timeless classic to see; it has always been the favorite destination of many couples of lovers who find a unique atmosphere in a gondola. The heart of the celebrations is St. Mark’s Square where wonderful fireworks offer an unforgettable show, in addition to which you can witness the collective kiss because it is tradition that couples kiss at the stroke of midnight. Even if you are only friends or acquaintances, present in the square, hugging someone close to you is a lucky ritual for the year that comes.

Cà di Fiore will accompany you on this great occasion giving you the possibility of a comfortable overnight stay in a quiet and romantic location.

You can leave your car for free in the large green Park so that you can easily reach the desired destination.


What a magical Christmas in Venice!! The holiday season is an additional excuse to treat yourself to a trip to the Serenissima, which becomes even more romantic during the Christmas holidays. Christmas lights reflected on the water of the canals, illuminated gondolas and trees, the refined Venetian gastronomy and the authentic flavors of the “Bacari”, places where you can find typical Venetian delicacies. Admire Venice in the evening with a walk through the streets. The discovery of the Christmas side of Venice is also a discovery of the ancient part associated with the Venetian traditions, its rituals and its traditional places.

Walking through Venice during the Christmas holidays means immersing yourself in a magical atmosphere. The “Strada Nova” welcomes traditional Christmas market stalls for almost 2 km.

An ice rink will be built in Campo S. Polo, which will remain open this year from December to March to offer a unique entertainment experience.

If you love art and classical music, the city and especially the churches offer a variety of concerts, organize evenings, events and art events. One of these fantastic places where these events are celebrated is the “La Fenice” opera house.

Cà di Fiore is waiting for you to celebrate Christmas comfortably in Venice. You don’t need to pay large sums to leave the car in the parking lot as you can park your car in our Green Park for free. Every 20 minutes the bus takes you to Venice in 15 minutes and you can enjoy the many attractions of the city.


Every November 21st Venice celebrates the liberation from a dreadful disease which affected the whole of Northern Europe between 1629 and 1633 (as Alessandro Manzoni reports in “Promessi Sposi”).

In this desperate situation at that time, the Doge promised to build a church for the Madonna to rid the city of the disease, precisely in the area (S. Vio) from which the infection had started. The basilica was built according to a project by architect Baldassare Longhena, with an octagonal floor plan with elegant Baroque forms, blending in perfectly with the existing urban scene.

In the days before the anniversary, which is very popular with the population, a votive bridge is being built from boats that connect the two shores of the Grand Canal, S. Moisè and S. Maria del Giglio, allowing all pilgrims, who carry a candle to the altar of the Madonna a lighter river, that she can stand up for their health. The typical dish of this festival is the “Castradina”, a soup made from salted and smoked mutton, introduced at that time by the nearby “Schiavonia” (the coastal strip that includes Dalmatia, Albania and Bosnia). It is made from cabbage, onions, vegetables and wine.

Those who have the opportunity to be in Venice on the day of their health breathe an atmosphere of sincere and heartfelt participation, not bigotry, closely linked to the history and traditions of the city. The secular aspect is no less fascinating: benches full of sweets, colorful balloons and toys placed outside the church make it cheerful and carefree for children and adults.


The Feast of the Immaculate Conception coincides with the beginning of the Christmas holidays, Advent. In Venetian, it is the day the Christmas tree becomes decorated.

It is a time of reflection in which it makes sense to find time for the veneration of Mary, because it is Mary carrying Jesus in the womb. For those who have a living and heartfelt faith, this is the most important anniversary of the year.

In Gambarare, an ancient district of Mira, this day is celebrated with the procession “de la Madona de i Cavali”.   The maiden’s stature is drawn on a cart of eight horses covered with a blue cloak (Marian color), and, as tradition dictates, a procession of officers and dozens of figures in medieval costumes follows.

It’s not just a folkloric event. The people behind the image of Mary participate with intense concentration and fervent prayer.

To mark the occasion, stalls selling sweets, toys and roasted chestnuts are set up in the streets of the city, which frame this tradition with an archaic and free aroma.

Awaiting for you…


11 November S. MARTINO

More or less everyone knows S. Martino, a generous knight who cut his cloak in half with a sword in the presence of a beggar and gave one half to the poor man so he could protect himself from the cold.

After a while, Martino found another beggar who, coldly, asked for charity. Then Martino took the part of cloak that remained to him and divided it further into two to share it. On his way he met another poor man who trembled with cold and asked for help. Martino could not cut beyond his cloak so he gave what was left to him in need. Now Martino was without any protection from the cold and in November the climate was merciless at the time. The good Lord, seeing this act of unconditional altruism, wanted to help Martino and made a ray of sunshine come out of the clouds that warmed the air and allowed Martino to continue his journey until he found an adequate shelter.

Climate phenomenon that was perpetuated over time, giving rise to the “SUMMER OF S. MARTINO” This episode changed the life of St. Martin who became a man of faith and great wisdom.

For this occasion in the province of Venice, the traditional dessert of S. Martino is prepared: with the shortcrust pastry, the shape of the saint is modeled on horseback with a sword and cape, garnished with icing of colored sugar, pralines, candies and chocolates. More in ancient times a sweet of quince was prepared, called “S. Martino de persegada “, prepared with quince jam.

It is also customary for children in the lagoon city to sing a home song for home and shop by store, playing pans and makeshift tools, in exchange for a few coins or some sweets.

San Martin xe ‘ndà in sofita

a trovar la so novissa.

So novissa no ghe gera,

San Martin xe cascà par tera,

el s’ha tacà un boletin

cari signori, xe San Martin!


…….. Cà di Fiore is waiting for you

Riviera Fiorita 07/09/2019

On the second Sunday of september, along the Brenta Riviera, the most picturesque event of the season will be held: The Riviera Fiorita.

From the windows and from the landing, located on the river, of Cà di fiore, you can watch this characteristic event.

The event recalls the meeting between the Doge of the Republic of Venice and the King of France Henry III which took place in 1574, begins in front of Villa Pisani in Strà where the exchange of gifts between the Doge and the king will take place and will continue along the course of Brenta passing the villages of Dolo Mira Oriago Malcontenta until you reach Venice.

The water procession headed by the “bissone” , boats used in the Historical Regatta of Venice and other historical boats with over 1100 figurants and rowers, will parade along the Brenta Canal, captivating a large audience cheering along the banks.

The party continues until evening along the Brenta Riviera with musical performances, dances and food and wine stands.

Cà di fiore awaits you…