2022 Carnival of Venice

We always ask ourselves when the date of the Carnival will be, each year is different and is calculated based on Easter, which is celebrated on the Sunday after the first full moon of spring: this year it will be April 17. From this date you have to go back 6 weeks: the first is that of the Carnival.

The most important days are Shrove Thursday, which will be 24 February in 2022, and Shrove Tuesday, which will fall on 01 March, two days that respectively mark the official start and end of the Carnival.

The end of Carnival marks the beginning of Lent, a much more sober and rigorous period of 40 days preceding Easter. The name of the Carnival itself derives from the possibility of eating meat before starting the smaller and less rich diet required by Lent. And this is also where the adjective fat used since its origins to indicate the main days of Carnival, Tuesdays and Thursdays, derives: these were the last moments in which you could eat meat and indulge in excesses, food or otherwise.

The Carnival of VENICE is the most spectacular and sumptuous of the peninsula.

From the sixteenth century to the end of the Serenissima Republic, in fact, the Carnival in the lagoon coincided with the theatrical season, when masked people participated in sumptuous costume parties.

The Municipality of Venice announces a “soft” Carnival, which will focus above all on safety, with some small events, but certainly far from those of the pre-Covid.

The new event at the Arsenale, “Remember the Future – Nebula Solaris”, with a limited number. “We will give life to a show on the water, there will be the company Opera Fiammae already seen two years ago in Cannaregio. We will see gigantic water fountains and floating screens on which images will flow.

The new event at the Arsenale, “Remember the Future – Nebula Solaris”, with a limited number. “We will give life to a show on the water, there will be the company Opera Fiammae already seen two years ago in Cannaregio. We will see gigantic water fountains and floating screens on which images will flow.

We are waiting for you …

The B&B Cà di fiore can accommodate you in many, giving you the opportunity to visit Venice, without having the problem of where to leave the car, in fact, the large parking lot of the location is available to guests.