11 November S. MARTINO

More or less everyone knows S. Martino, a generous knight who cut his cloak in half with a sword in the presence of a beggar and gave one half to the poor man so he could protect himself from the cold.

After a while, Martino found another beggar who, coldly, asked for charity. Then Martino took the part of cloak that remained to him and divided it further into two to share it. On his way he met another poor man who trembled with cold and asked for help. Martino could not cut beyond his cloak so he gave what was left to him in need. Now Martino was without any protection from the cold and in November the climate was merciless at the time. The good Lord, seeing this act of unconditional altruism, wanted to help Martino and made a ray of sunshine come out of the clouds that warmed the air and allowed Martino to continue his journey until he found an adequate shelter.

Climate phenomenon that was perpetuated over time, giving rise to the “SUMMER OF S. MARTINO” This episode changed the life of St. Martin who became a man of faith and great wisdom.

For this occasion in the province of Venice, the traditional dessert of S. Martino is prepared: with the shortcrust pastry, the shape of the saint is modeled on horseback with a sword and cape, garnished with icing of colored sugar, pralines, candies and chocolates. More in ancient times a sweet of quince was prepared, called “S. Martino de persegada “, prepared with quince jam.

It is also customary for children in the lagoon city to sing a home song for home and shop by store, playing pans and makeshift tools, in exchange for a few coins or some sweets.

San Martin xe ‘ndà in sofita

a trovar la so novissa.

So novissa no ghe gera,

San Martin xe cascà par tera,

el s’ha tacà un boletin

cari signori, xe San Martin!


…….. Cà di Fiore is waiting for you