Riviera Fiorita 07/09/2019

On the second Sunday of september, along the Brenta Riviera, the most picturesque event of the season will be held: The Riviera Fiorita.

From the windows and from the landing, located on the river, of Cà di fiore, you can watch this characteristic event.

The event recalls the meeting between the Doge of the Republic of Venice and the King of France Henry III which took place in 1574, begins in front of Villa Pisani in Strà where the exchange of gifts between the Doge and the king will take place and will continue along the course of Brenta passing the villages of Dolo Mira Oriago Malcontenta until you reach Venice.

The water procession headed by the “bissone” , boats used in the Historical Regatta of Venice and other historical boats with over 1100 figurants and rowers, will parade along the Brenta Canal, captivating a large audience cheering along the banks.

The party continues until evening along the Brenta Riviera with musical performances, dances and food and wine stands.

Cà di fiore awaits you…